First and foremost I am a Christian, saved by grace through the sacrifice my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, made for me!!! Secondly, He has blessed me with the most amazing husband EVER! He's a wonderful, God-fearing man, and my best friend!! I am a mother to two beautiful children and one on the way. My daughter is 4 years old, going on 16, and is the one in charge of making sure there is NEVER a dull moment in our home!! My son is 15 months and is the supplier of all our warm snuggles and sugars!! He is also the deplete-er of all of our energy... he is a true BOY and is into EVERYTHING right now!! We are also expecting a little brother or sister for them in May of 2011. I have the amazing privilege of being able to stay home with them full time and enjoy watching every little accomplishment they achieve!
I've always had an interest in photography, and once my first child came, I had an excuse to SNAP AWAY!! I have since then developed even more of a passion for it. I LOVE color and really enjoy finding ways to create bright, beautiful memories for my clients to cherish for years to come. I'm not sure if it's the mommy in me, but I love capturing the details of things. I want my clients to remember how tiny the little fingernails of their new precious baby were on that special day they came into this world! I want them to remember the super springy curls of their little girls hair, or the how the highlights looked in the spiky little mohawk of their bouncy baby boy! I don't want to just capture images. I want to capture feelings, and I work really hard to convey that in my work!